Ultrasound Budapest

Ultrasound examination

Ultrasound examination

Ultrasound examination is a completely painless imaging procedure. Its biggest advantage is that it is very fast, accurate and involves no radiation exposure at all.

Most internal medicine, gynecological, urological, endocrinological and joint problems can be effectively detected with this method. Not only is it a screening test, but it also has a significant diagnostic role.

During the examination, the reflection of the ultrasound waves ensures the imaging through the connected display, so that the affected organs and body parts become visible even during movement or operation.

Currently, only ultrasound radiological examinations are available in our institution, which cover all specialties and are also the safest, as they can detect diseases with great accuracy, yet without radiation.

The most common ultrasound examinations

With the help of ultrasound, almost all regions of the body can be examined, such as the abdominal region, pelvis, neck, thyroid glands, veins and arteries, joints, and even in the case of fetuses developing in the womb.

In light of this, let's see the most common ultrasound examinations:

Breast ultrasound

Breast cancer is still the most common cancer among women. In Hungary alone, thousands of new patients are diagnosed every year, even though the breast ultrasound could be used to prevent and detect the beginning changes.

This ultrasound examination painlessly and without radiation exposure shows tissue and structural changes in the breasts, whether it is a cyst or a malignant tumor.

A breast ultrasound is a mandatory element of the annual screening tests, which is recommended to be supplemented with a mammogram over the age of 35. It is recommended to use it regularly even when there are no complaints, since in most cases the diagnosis of breast changes at an early stage has a good chance of being cured.

The test does not require any preparation, and can even be performed on pregnant mothers. It does not involve pain or discomfort, it can typically be done lying on the back or side, and in addition to the breasts, the armpits are also checked at this time.

Abdominal/pelvic ultrasound

One of the most common ultrasound examinations, which can check the internal abdominal organs from the diaphragm to the pubic bone. During the examination, the liver, gall bladder, pancreas, spleen, kidney, bladder, and even the associated lymph nodes can be examined.

It is especially recommended in cases where it is necessary to accurately detect abdominal complaints of unknown origin, urinary problems, menstrual disorders or other abdominal problems, or to control changes in certain abdominal organs.

Heart ultrasound

Echocardiography focuses specifically on examining the condition of the heart. With its help, the cavities of the heart, the entire pericardium, the heart valves, in short, all areas of the organ that may have a potential cardiology problem can be easily explored.

It is such a thorough diagnostic method that it can be used to detect post-infarction wall motion disorders, poor flow between heart cavities, fluid accumulating in the pericardium, diseases related to the heart valve, scarring, and even if a blood clot has formed in the heart cavity.

Pregnancy ultrasound

Since ultrasound diagnostics does not involve radiation exposure, i.e. it is completely harmless, this method also plays a significant role in pregnancy care. With the help of pregnancy ultrasound, you can follow the development of the fetus from the first weeks.

Moreover, today not only 2D, but also 3D and 4D ultrasounds are available, which give an even more thorough picture of the condition of the developing baby. It's no coincidence that even during mandatory prenatal care, ultrasound checks are always performed.

Neck soft tissue, thyroid gland, vascular network, testicular and joint ultrasound

Many points of the body can also be checked with the help of ultrasound. For example, it is also an effective imaging method in the case of neck pain, swallowing difficulties or problems related to the thyroid gland, but it is also ideal for the screening and control of cancerous diseases in this region.

In addition to the cervical spine, the joints and testicles can also be examined with it, so that these areas can be quickly and efficiently explored in the event of injuries, changes, inflammations or other cases.

The use of Doppler ultrasound can be considered a special procedure, with which blood vessels, arteries, veins and arteries can be easily examined, whether it is a question of pathological conditions or injuries.

What happens during an ultrasound examination?

In all cases, the ultrasound examination is painless, depending on the part of the body, it causes at most a little discomfort. Since the patients arrive purposefully, the radiologist asks them to clear the area to be examined and then lie down on the examination bed.

For the examination, it is essential that the specialist smears the affected body part with a special gel, otherwise the ultrasound device would not be able to display images of the examined internal organs.

During the examination, the attending physician takes pictures of the affected organ, its condition and changes, so that the results can be forwarded to the attending physician of the appropriate specialty who requested the examination.

How to prepare for an ultrasound examination?

Most ultrasound examinations do not require special preparations, only the abdominal and pelvic regions need to be prepared.

The most important thing is to always come to the examination on an empty stomach, i.e. not to eat anything at least 6 hours before. The other is that the ultrasound should be performed with a full bladder, that is, you should not go to the toilet before it, and in fact, it is essential to drink an adequate amount of liquid for successful imaging.


Our experts who are well-versed in the subject

Dr. Attila Zoltán Zsirka-Klein is a surgeon at Lotusz Medical Center in Budapest

Dr. Attila Zoltán Zsirka-Klein

Surgeon, Proctologist