Proctology Budapest

Proctology private practice

Proctology is a branch of general surgery that focuses on the detection and treatment of diseases of the rectum.

At the clinic we examine changes such as hemorrhoids, inflammatory processes related to the rectum, rectal fissure, fistula or benign and malignant tumors, etc.

The proctologist takes care of physical examinations and, if necessary, rectal endoscopy in order to establish an accurate diagnosis. These interventions are uncomfortable, but normally painless.

With what symptoms should we consult a proctologist?

Changes in the rectum are examined at the proctology clinic, we must therefore turn here for all related complaints. The following symptoms require immediate proctological examination:

  • bloody-mucous discharge from the rectum, which is often only visible in the stool;

  • a strong burning sensation or itching around the anus, which does not subside even with proper hygiene;

  • foreign body sensation or palpable swelling around the rectum;

  • pain in the rectum, which is independent of body position;

  • wart-like changes around the anus;

  • pain during defecation, which is often accompanied by the discharge of fresh blood;

  • difficulty passing stools that are not related to digestive problems;

  • fecal or intestinal gas retention disorders.

The proctologist most often deals with the treatment of the following diseases:


Hemorrhoids are unpleasant blood vessels around the anus. They are often painless, but in an inflamed state they can cause a lot of discomfort, and bleeding hemorrhoids usually indicate a more serious level of the problem, and their long-term existence always requires treatment.

Hemorrhoids can initially be cured very well with the appropriate medicines and rectal suppositories, but later on surgical intervention may also be necessary, which can be performed in outpatient care.

Rectal fissure

This change can develop when the mucous membrane of the rectum ruptures for some reason. In particular, it can cause great pain and discharge of fresh blood when defecating, so it is often confused with hemorrhoids, which is a serious problem, since the rectal fissure can turn into an ulcer in this case.

If detected at an early stage, it can be treated very effectively with drugs and suppositories, but in more severe cases or in case of permanent recurrence, it can be treated surgically.

Rectal fistula

In many cases, rectal fistula develops as a result of previous inflammations around the rectum. It is a pathological connection of the hollow organs, which finds its way to the outside world, from which purulent, bloody discharge can be discharged around the rectum.

If left untreated, it can turn into an abscess, which can damage the rectal sphincter. Since it most often appears as a complication, it cannot be recognized at an early stage, so often only surgical intervention helps to treat the problem.

Hogyan zajlik egy proktológiai vizsgálat?

The proctological examination begins with taking an anamnesis. In this case, the specialist questions the patient thoroughly about the experienced symptoms, their intensity and frequency, but it is also necessary to examine eating habits, lifestyle and related diseases.

The next step in almost all cases is a physical examination, as part of which the specialist examines and palpates the area around the rectum, which is essential in many cases for the selection of further examination methods.

If the problem is not too deep, anoscopy is needed. With its help, the anus and the lower 3-4 centimeters of the rectum can be exposed, so rectal fissures, internal hemorrhoid veins or inflammation of the mucous membrane can also be diagnosed with this method.

If the symptoms are more deeply rooted, a rectoscopy, i.e. rectal endoscopy, is necessary. With this technique, even the last 10-20 centimeters of the large intestine can be revealed, including strictures, ulcers, inflammations, and cancerous changes.

After the examinations, the specialist makes a diagnosis and then decides on the treatment options, in some cases the involvement of additional specialties.


No hidden fees or extra charges

Our experts who are well-versed in the subject

Dr. Endre Gáti, Surgeon - Lotusz Medical Center

Dr. Endre Gáti

Surgeon, Proctologist
Dr. Attila Zoltán Zsirka-Klein is a surgeon at Lotusz Medical Center in Budapest

Dr. Attila Zoltán Zsirka-Klein

Surgeon, Proctologist
Dr. László Nehéz Ph.D. surgeon

Dr. László Nehéz Ph.D.

Surgeon, Proctologist
Dr. Balázs Tihanyi, surgeon, proctologist

Dr. Balázs Tihanyi

Surgeon, Proctologist