Plastic surgery in Budapest

Plastic surgery

Plastic surgery

Plastic surgery is one of the most complex and special fields, where aesthetics plays a central role, but the interventions can often serve a health purpose as well.

At our plastic surgery, mainly non- invasive procedures are available, i.e. interventions requiring a maximum of outpatient surgery. This includes various facial plastics and surgical procedures for the removal of skin lesions.

Treatment of skin changes and skin defects in plastic surgery

The treatment of various skin problems is one of the central tasks of plastic surgery. Whether it is the removal of birthmarks, moles, fibroids, fatty lumps, basaliomas or surgical scars, plastic surgery offers the possibility of their professional and aesthetic removal.

Of course, depending on the type of skin lesion, such an intervention may not only be necessary for aesthetic reasons. In the case of moles or other skin defects with a malignant background, the treatment can also be done for health purposes, and in many cases it can be life-saving.

How are skin problems treated in plastic surgery?

After taking an anamnesis and possible preliminary examinations, the plastic surgeon performs the procedure using local anesthesia and careful disinfection.

This can take up to 15-45 minutes, depending on the size and characteristics of the skin lesion. The essence of plastic surgery in this case is to remove the problem with the smallest possible incision.

After that, the wound is closed with special sewing thread and plastic stitches, thanks to which a very thin, barely visible scar is created, which is finally covered with a sterile bandage.

Since plastic surgery is performed on an outpatient basis, the patient can return home to recover immediately after the treatment.

What skin lesions can be treated with plastic surgery?

Today, plastic surgery can help patients with many skin changes. These are:

Birthmark removal

If the birthmark not only causes an aesthetic problem, but also causes other inconveniences, or if a malignant change is suspected, then its removal becomes justified.

Fibroid removal

A fibroma is a benign cell proliferation, but it can cause a lot of discomfort for aesthetic and other reasons, but it can be quickly remedied surgically.

Lipoma removal

A lipoma, also known as a benign skin tumor, usually grows slowly, but it can cause a lot of problems for the patient, so its removal is usually not only recommended for aesthetic reasons.

Basal cell removal

Basal cell carcinoma is a malignant skin tumor characterized by slow growth. It can develop anywhere, but it is mainly characteristic of areas frequently affected by sunlight. It rarely metastasizes, but treatment is recommended for both health and aesthetic reasons.

Atheroma removal

The disease, also known as pulp tumor, is a benign problem and not only causes problems from a visual perspective, but after a while its inflammation can also be very painful, so it is recommended to undergo surgery as soon as possible.

Scar removal

Thanks to modern plastic surgery, even larger scars from previous surgeries or injuries can be easily removed or reduced if necessary.

Facial plastic surgery

In contrast to skin problems, facial plastic surgery almost always serves an aesthetic purpose. As facial skin loses elasticity and thins over time, signs of aging appear. Facial plastic surgery helps to eliminate them.

Although the aging process is unstoppable according to the current state of science, thanks to modern plastic procedures, the related signs can be effectively mitigated and delayed.

Facial plastic surgery is therefore necessary if we want smoother, tighter and fresher facial skin, as well as a more youthful appearance. The result of the intervention is determined by many factors, but the majority of modern methods already provide a guaranteed effect.

How does facelift work?

There are many interventions associated with facial plastic surgery, so it would not be possible to simply describe how the intervention takes place. After taking the medical history, the specialist always listens to the patient's wishes and then informs him of the options.

Depending on whether it is a lip augmentation or a complete facial rejuvenation, the process of the facial plastic procedure can consist of many factors.

In almost all cases, for example, some kind of preparation is necessary before the intervention, but the attending physician can provide precise information about this and about the facial plastic surgery itself, as well as what to do afterwards, at the first consultation.

What interventions are related to facelift?

Even within the world of traditional plastic surgery, facial plastic surgery is a very diverse area, so many different interventions can be connected to it. Let's see the most common of these:

Wrinkle filling

Wrinkle filling helps in the fact that not very deep wrinkles of mimic origin can be alleviated with the appropriate method, and in some cases they can be completely eliminated.

Eyelid surgery

If someone is not satisfied with their eyelids or the area around the eyes has drooped due to age, eyelid surgery helps to restore the previous condition.

Lip filling

Full lips are not natural for most women. However, lip fillers can easily achieve the desired effect by reducing wrinkles around the mouth.

Facial rejuvenation

General facial rejuvenation typically involves several interventions, which make it possible to reduce wrinkles and sagging that appear with age.

Ear, nose and neck plastic surgery

the ears, nose and neck can be performed in several ways, depending on the change and the desired goal.




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