Our services
Otorhinolaryngology (Ear-Nose-Throat)
This medical field deals with the diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the organs located in the head and neck region and their unity as a closed system: diseases of the ear, nasal and paranasal sinuses, oral cavity, pharynx, larynx, trachea, salivary glands and, to some extent, the esophagus and neck.
Foglalkozás egészségügy - teljes portfólió
A foglalkozás egészségügy egy kifejezetten vállalati igényekhez igazított komplex szolgáltatás, mely kis-, közép- és nagyvállalatok számára egyaránt ideális alternatívát nyújt – legyen szó akár alkalmassági-, akár üzemorvosi vizsgálatokról, akár helyszíni szűrésekről vagy oktatásról.
In which we are first class
Quality performance
Quality performance that exceeds expectations for all our patients
Exclusive care
Trust-based medicine, patient care based on discretion, exclusive attention
A first-class value system
Values, persistent work, thoughtful work processes, independent professional service, filling the service ethos with meaningful content
Fast, unique solutions
We believe that there is a unique solution for every problem, relying on the professional opinion of your doctors is a safe decision and at the same time it means well-founded
Service adapted to needs
Healthcare services that take fully mind of patient needs and expectations
Personalized treatment
It is truly personalized treatment that is maximally adapted to individual needs.