Our services

Surgery in Budapest


The purpose of outpatient surgery is to provide people with minor procedures in an ambulatory care setting that don't require anesthesia or extended hospital stays.
Proctology Budapest


Proctology is a branch of general surgery that focuses on the detection and treatment of diseases of the rectum.
urologia fokep e1679902758430


Urology is a branch dealing with changes and diseases of the organs involved in urine excretion and drainage (kidneys, bladder, urethra, etc.), as well as the male genital organs (testicles, prostate, seminal vesicles, etc.).
Infectology private medical practice


Infectology is one of the areas of internal medicine, which as an independent discipline focuses on the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of infectious diseases.
immunologia lotusz medical maganrendeles


Immunology is a branch of science dealing with the discovery and treatment of diseases affecting or closely related to the functioning of the immune system.
Tropical Diseases - Travel Medicine

Tropical Diseases - Travel Medicine

The treatment of tropical diseases is a specialized field of infectology. This specialty is not yet widespread in Hungary, although more and more people vacation in tropical countries, creating a significant demand for it.
Gynecology Budapest


Gynecology deals with diseases of the female genital organs, which places great emphasis not only on diagnosis, but also on treatment and related screening tests.
Endocrinology Budapest


Endocrinology is a branch of medicine that deals with hormonal system diseases and disorders, which encompasses a wide range of conditions.
Laboratory tests at the Lotusz Medical Center

Laboratory tests

Laboratory tests can provide complex information about the entire body. They help monitor the function of the liver, kidneys, and the complete blood-forming system, while also providing information about protein and fat metabolism processes.
Internal Medicine Budapest

Internal Medicine

Internal medicine is one of the most complex branches of medicine, covering a vast field within general medical practice - whether it's prevention, diagnosis, treatment, or rehabilitation.
Bone density measurement - Dexa test

Bone density measurement - Dexa test

Bone density measurement is necessary when a patient is at risk of developing osteoporosis, or when a general assessment of bone condition is needed in cases where the condition has already been diagnosed.
Otorhinolaryngology Budapest

Otorhinolaryngology (Ear-Nose-Throat)

This medical field deals with the diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the organs located in the head and neck region and their unity as a closed system: diseases of the ear, nasal and paranasal sinuses, oral cavity, pharynx, larynx, trachea, salivary glands and, to some extent, the esophagus and neck.


Allergology is the branch of medicine that deals with the diagnosis and treatment of allergic diseases.
Oncology outpatient clinic in Budapest


Oncology is a special field that deals with the diagnosis, treatment and follow-up of cancer diseases.
Dermatology private practice


Dermatology is the branch of science that deals with human skin, which is nevertheless very diverse and complex, since our outer protective layer works at least as complexly as most of our internal organs.
Ultrasound Budapest

Ultrasound examination

Ultrasound examination is a completely painless imaging procedure. Its biggest advantage is that it is very fast, accurate and involves no radiation exposure at all.
Rheumatology private practice


Rheumatology is a complex science that deals with changes and diseases of the moving organ system, like bones, joints, tendons or muscles.
Hematology Budapest


Hematology is a branch of internal medicine that deals with diseases of the blood, blood-forming organs and the lymphatic system.
Plastic surgery in Budapest

Plastic surgery

Plastic surgery is one of the most complex and special fields, where aesthetics plays a central role, but the interventions can often serve a health purpose as well.
Plastic surgery in Budapest

Plastic surgery

Plastic surgery is one of the most complex and special fields, where aesthetics plays a central role, but the interventions can often serve a health purpose as well.
Diabetológia Budapest


A diabetológia a belgyógyászat egyik specifikus szakága, mely a szervezet cukorháztartásának a zavaraival foglalkozik.
Endocrinology Budapest


Endocrinology is a branch of medicine that deals with hormonal system diseases and disorders, which encompasses a wide range of conditions.
Hematology Budapest


Hematology is a branch of internal medicine that deals with diseases of the blood, blood-forming organs and the lymphatic system.
Internal Medicine Budapest

Internal Medicine

Internal medicine is one of the most complex branches of medicine, covering a vast field within general medical practice - whether it's prevention, diagnosis, treatment, or rehabilitation.
Gasztroenterológia Budapest


A gasztroenterológia a belgyógyászathoz tartozó szakág, mely leginkább az emésztőrendszer betegségeivel és elváltozásaival foglalkozik, különös tekintettel a gyomorra és a bélhálózatra.
andrologia fokep


Az andrológia egy speciális tudományág, mely az urológiához köthető. Leginkább a férfiak szexuális zavaraival, meddőségével és fogamzásgátlásával foglalkozik, de az idősebb korban jelentkező férfibetegségek kezelésekor is ez a szakág nyújt segítséget.
urologia fokep e1679902758430


Urology is a branch dealing with changes and diseases of the organs involved in urine excretion and drainage (kidneys, bladder, urethra, etc.), as well as the male genital organs (testicles, prostate, seminal vesicles, etc.).
onkologia 1


Az onkológia a daganatos betegségek diagnosztizálásával, gyógyításával és utókezelésével foglalkozó tudományág. A daganatos elváltozások kapcsán különösen fontos a korai felismerés.
obezitologia 1


Az obezitológia az elhízás tudománya, mely egy rendkívül összetett, több szakterületet is összefogó, azokkal szorosan együttműködő ágazat, ami kifejezetten a túlsúlyos emberekre koncentrál.


A pulmonológia – vagy más néven tüdőgyógyászat – a tüdő és a légutak betegségeivel, illetve elváltozásaival foglalkozik – beleértve az asztmát, az allergiát, a daganatokat és az egyéb elváltozásokat.
szemeszet lotusz medical center 1


A szemészet a szem betegségeivel foglalkozó tudományág, mely a látószerv valamennyi betegségével foglalkozik, legyen szó sérülésekről, elváltozásokról vagy különféle degeneratív folyamatokról.
gyermek gasztroenterologia 2


A gyermekgasztroenterológia kifejezetten a legkisebbek emésztőszervi rendellenességeivel foglalkozó szakág. Már csecsemőkorban előfordulhatnak ugyanis az emésztőrendszerhez kapcsolódó elváltozások.
Laboratory tests at the Lotusz Medical Center

Laboratory tests

A blood test is a special laboratory test that helps to diagnose and possibly rule out diseases and other changes based on certain symptoms.
Bone density measurement - Dexa test

Csontsűrűség mérés - Dexa Vizsgálat

A csontsűrűség mérésre vagy más néven Dexa vizsgálatra olyan esetekben van szükség, amikor a páciensnél fennáll a csontritkulás kialakulásának a veszélye, vagy már diagnosztizált betegség esetén van szükség.
foglalkozas egeszsegugy lotusz medical center

Foglalkozás egészségügy - teljes portfólió

A foglalkozás egészségügy egy kifejezetten vállalati igényekhez igazított komplex szolgáltatás, mely kis-, közép- és nagyvállalatok számára egyaránt ideális alternatívát nyújt – legyen szó akár alkalmassági-, akár üzemorvosi vizsgálatokról, akár helyszíni szűrésekről vagy oktatásról.

In which we are first class

Quality performance

Quality performance that exceeds expectations for all our patients

Exclusive care

Trust-based medicine, patient care based on discretion, exclusive attention

A first-class value system

Values, persistent work, thoughtful work processes, independent professional service, filling the service ethos with meaningful content

Fast, unique solutions

We believe that there is a unique solution for every problem, relying on the professional opinion of your doctors is a safe decision and at the same time it means well-founded

Service adapted to needs

Healthcare services that take fully mind of patient needs and expectations

Personalized treatment

It is truly personalized treatment that is maximally adapted to individual needs.