Otorhinolaryngology (Ear-Nose-Throat)
ENT Private Practice
This medical field deals with the diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the organs located in the head and neck region and their unity as a closed system: diseases of the ear, nasal and paranasal sinuses, oral cavity, pharynx, larynx, trachea, salivary glands and, to some extent, the esophagus and neck.
We also need to consult an otolaryngologist for special problems, such as disorders related to voice production or allergies, but most often patients come to the doctor's office with diseases such as inflammation of the middle ear, pharynx, or larynx, tonsils enlargement and inflammation of the nasal polyp or sinusitis.
It is one of those specialties to which patients go with specific symptoms, and although screening tests are also carried out in the otolaryngology in the case of certain diseases, the diagnosis and treatment of an already developed lesion is mostly in the background.
When we should consult with an otolaryngologist?
Since otolaryngology is a complex discipline, patients can have many symptoms that require various tests related to the field.
The following complaints always require an ear, nose and throat examination:
- prolonged or constantly recurring upper respiratory diseases;
- the nose, larynx and pharynx;
- ear pain and problems related to hearing (tinnitus, dizziness, hearing loss);
- difficulty in swallowing, constant feeling of a lump in the throat;
- persistent cough;
- allergic complaints, frequent sneezing, runny nose and watery, red eyes;
- hoarseness lasting for weeks, accompanied by frequent coughing;
- persistent or prolonged otitis media;
- long-standing nasal congestion or persistent nasal discharge;
- complaints related to the throat and tonsils;
- the appearance and growth of painful or painless cervical lymph nodes;
- swellings of unknown origin on the face and neck;
- heavy, often recurring nosebleeds;
- snoring.
What happens during an ear-nose-throat examination?
Since otolaryngological examinations affect many parts of the body, which differ considerably in terms of their function, it would not be possible to generalize about what happens when patients visit the specialist's office.
Taking an anamnesis, listening to the patient's complaints, general questioning and assessing the condition are, of course, typical of all examinations, but what happens next cannot be generalized. Therefore, let's see how an ear-nose-throat examination takes place in relation to each organ!
Ear-nose-throat examination in case of ear problems
After taking an anamnesis, the otolaryngologist begins the examination of ear problems by checking the external auditory canals and eardrums, for which he uses an ear funnel or an otoscope.
If the physical examinations are negative, then CT or MRI diagnostics are essential to reveal some ear diseases, since it is possible that the roots of the problem are located so deep that it is necessary to precisely explore the internal areas connected to the ear.
If the patient complains of hearing problems, a tuning fork examination will also follow, but a deaf chamber hearing test may also be performed, in the case of infants or small children otoacoustic by emissio.
Ear-nose-throat examination in case of nasal problems
The nose is our most important olfactory organ, and the investigation of related problems always begins with the examination of the external structure after the anamnesis, for which the doctor uses a nasal speculum. This is a funnel-like device that helps open the nasal cavity.
If there are no abnormalities in the nasal cavity, an endoscopy is required. With this device, the nasopharynx can be explored more deeply, and the condition of the ear horns can also be assessed.
For the examination of the nasal cavity, the specialist also has the so-called fiberoscope at his disposal, which gives the opportunity to fully explore the related organ in a painless way. These devices can also help to examine the nasal sinuses, but the most effective method here is still the examination based on tapping.
If a bacterial, viral or fungal infection is suspected, a microbiological laboratory culture may be requested for the discharge sample taken from the nose. In some cases, an X-ray examination of the nose and sinuses may also be necessary.
Ear-nose-throat examination in case of oral cavity problems
If the otolaryngological complaints are related to the oral cavity, after taking the medical history, the specialist's first task is always to examine the affected body part, for which he uses a special tongue flap, since with this the tongue can be depressed and the pharynx, palate, the gums, but also the floor of the mouth.
The lapoc is a particularly important tool when the roots of the problem are connected to the pharyngeal tonsils, and the specialist sees that there is a purulent lesion, since the organ can be pressed with the tool, so that the purulent secretions inherent in it can be immediately revealed.
If a pathogen is suspected, a sample can be taken from the mucous membrane of the oral cavity, which, when sent for laboratory testing, can easily reveal the type of bacteria, virus or fungus causing the infection and the associated inflammation.
During the examination, the otolaryngologist may ask the patient to move the tongue and jaw, but may also perform mimicry tests in order to check various nerve functions, and even check their proper functioning by massaging the salivary glands.
Ear-nose-throat examination in case of laryngeal problems
Examining the larynx and alveolar cavity causes great difficulty in all cases, as they cannot be checked with traditional methods, so it requires the use of special tools on the part of the otolaryngologist.
One of the most common tools is the mirror with a handle, which, after pulling the tongue forward, helps to reveal the related body part. Most problems can be visualized using this method, but often a more thorough investigation is required.
In connection with the larynx and larynx, the laryngoscope or laryngo-fiberoscope can be used in this case, which can cause unpleasant gagging and coughing in the patient, but the examination provides a thorough opportunity to explore the deeper organs of the throat.
For a more precise investigation or a more thorough diagnosis, the otolaryngologist may also request a cervical ultrasound, as well as CT and MRI examinations, which help in the accurate identification of possible changes as imaging diagnostics.
Ear-nose-throat examination in case of neck problems
After the anamnesis, the specialist checks the problems of the neck region by physical examination and palpation, touching the lymph nodes above the neck and collarbones, the thyroid gland, the salivary glands and the region behind the ear.
If an abnormality is detected during the palpation examination, the otolaryngologist may order an ultrasound examination - in rare cases a CT or MRI - and if it has been proven that there is a cancerous lesion in the background, then it is for cytology, i.e. a histological analysis need.
Our extra fees are charged on top of the examination fees and are therefore calculated beyond the examination fee
First examination in otorhinolaryngology 29 000 Ft
(endoscopy of the nose, stoppage of nosebleed with cautery, stoppage of nosebleed with tamponade, removal of foreign body)
Otorhinolaryngology follow-up examination 21 000 Ft
Medicine prescription without examination 4 000 Ft
Bacteriological culture of nasal/throat secretions 12 000 Ft
(Extra fee)