Internal Medicine
Internal Medicine private practice
Internal medicine is one of the most complex branches of medicine, which covers a huge area within general medical practice - be it prevention, detection, cure and rehabilitation. It is no coincidence that in the past several specialized branches have emerged from internal medicine. As a result, for example, gastroenterology, diabetology, endocrinology, pulmonology, hematology or even cardiology were created, which now take care of the treatment of patients in a targeted manner.
Therefore, patients can come to the internal medicine office with acute or chronic problems of the internal organs, be it cardiology complaints, frequent headaches, abdominal pains, or complaints related to the thyroid gland. Therefore, after a careful examination of the patient, an internist helps by coordinating several disciplines so that the patient's problem can be discovered as soon as possible, and the appropriate treatments can be started as soon as possible.
What kind of problems can an internal medicine doctor treat?
To diabetology after a general internal medicine examination , especially in the case of developing or already developed diabetes.
In all cases, symptoms such as:
- constant and unrelenting thirst,
- frequent urination,
- the noticeably sweet-smelling urine,
- fatigue and exhaustion,
- visual disturbances,
- but also the constantly recurring fungal infections.
Whether it is prediabetes or already developed diabetes, our problems will always be dealt with in diabetology.
We also need such a specialist order if we were to participate in a general screening test, which is recommended for people over 45-50 at least once a year.
Screening is especially recommended - even on a six-monthly basis - for people of all ages and gender who have a body mass index value of more than 25, and who also have high blood pressure and blood fat levels.
What happens during an internal medicine examination?
The diabetes examination, the specialist thoroughly explores the patient's medical history, paying particular attention to lifestyle, including eating habits and exercise.
During the anamnesis, it may be important to know all previous or existing diseases, possible interventions, but the patient's current condition - for example, the fact of pregnancy - and the type and quantity of medications taken are both important in connection with diagnosis and treatment options.
Knowing the medical history, a general physical examination can also be performed, which is always followed by a targeted test, such as the OGTT or the ATT, in order to reveal the disease and the treatment options.
Blood sampling is one of the most important examination methods in the hands of an internist
Of course, the internist always asks for special laboratory results, as part of which he can obtain accurate information about the condition of the kidney, liver or the complete hematopoietic system, the functioning of the metabolism, and even the ion balance of the body. If the special blood results indicate an organ problem or disease, it is usually necessary to carry out either additional specific laboratory tests or the use of imaging methods in order to make an accurate diagnosis.
It is quite common for the internist to send the patient for an allergy or food intolerance test only after taking a blood sample, since problems such as lactose or gluten sensitivity can always be revealed most easily with targeted laboratory tests and tests.
Internal medicine consultation and specialist examination 32 000 Ft
Follow-up consultation (within 1 month) 25 000 Ft
Medicine Prescription 4 000 Ft