Gynecological private practice
Gynecology deals with diseases of the female genital organs, which places great emphasis not only on diagnosis, but also on treatment and related screening tests.
It is important that women regularly attend gynecology appointments even when they are free of complaints, as several serious diseases can be prevented by regular screening tests.
By recognizing infections and organ changes in time, the development of problems such as infertility, diseases caused by changes associated with menopause or various gynecological tumors can be reduced to a minimum.
Specialists now have a very advanced set of tools at their disposal in order to recognize and treat conditions that prevent serious diseases even in patients without complaints.
When you should consult with a gynecologist?
It cannot be mentioned enough that regular gynecological screening is extremely important in every woman's life, since many changes initially cause no symptoms at all.
In addition to preventive examinations, participation in a gynecology appointment is justified by the following complaints:
- menstrual problems (pain, heavy bleeding, abdominal cramps, fainting or irregular periods);
- changes related to the vulva, such as an unpleasant burning sensation, itching, vesicular rashes, warts, lumps and swellings;
- discomfort related to the vagina (burning, itching), as well as changes in the consistency, smell and color of the vaginal discharge;
- pain during sexual intercourse, urge to urinate and other discomforts;
- hormonal complaints before and after menopause (in case of symptoms such as weight gain or loss, various skin changes, hot flashes, increased hair growth or hair loss);
- difficulties in conceiving children, presumed infertility;
- constant or constantly recurring lower abdominal and pelvic pain or cramps;
- changes related to the breast (appearance of lumps, swellings on the breasts or in the armpits, changes in the shape of the breast, indentation of the nipple, discharge, general pain, sensitivity).
What happens during a gynecology examination?
All gynecological examinations begin with the attending physician listening to the patient's complaints, taking a complete medical history, while of course asking questions to get to know the problem even better, which is almost always followed by a physical examination.
In addition to the opening and examination of the vagina, a vaginal ultrasound may be used but even in a general screening examination, a smear is essential for laboratory testing, which is essential for the detection of various infections or other diseases.
Depending on the complaints and the results of the examination, it may of course be necessary to use additional methods and procedures in order to arrive at an accurate diagnosis, which is the basis of appropriate treatment.
It may be necessary for example, to take special samples and to check the internal genitalia and breasts more thoroughly. Below we have listed the tests that can await us at a gynecological surgery:
Laboratory test
In gynecology several types of sampling can be done in order to reveal possible problems and deviations during laboratory tests. Whether it's infections or more serious changes, this method can easily establish an accurate diagnosis.
Vaginal ultrasound
Vaginal ultrasound is a very common and common examination method in gynecology, the reason being that it is painless and does not involve radiation exposure while it can provide an extremely accurate picture of the changes, sizes and structure of the organs.
During the examination the gynecologist slides a special examination head coated with lubricating gel into the vagina, and then by moving this head through a screen the entire pelvis becomes visible.
Breast examination
A breast examination based on palpation is very important if the patient comes to the doctor with breast-related abnormalities, whether it is pain, visible abnormalities, or swellings that can appear not only in the breast, but also in the armpit.
In all cases, this examination method is carried out only at the request of the patient, in other cases, an ultrasound or mammographic breast examination is performed, which gives a significantly more accurate and comprehensive picture of the possible change.
Cervical cancer screening
Cervical cancer screening in gynecology is typically performed using a smear. To do this, the specialist uncovers the surface of the cervix, then uses a special tool to take a swab from the uterine canal, which he sends for laboratory testing.
This is carried out by a specialist cytopathologist as part of a microscopic examination, and then the evaluation is sent back to the gynecologist, who can make an accurate diagnosis based on the values that describe the changes in the epithelial cells.
A colposcopy is necessary if the result of the cervical cancer screening suggests some kind of pathological change. In such cases, the specialist directly examines the condition of the cervix with the help of the colposcope - which is practically a special magnifying glass.
The test itself is completely painless, but sometimes unpleasant, but it can be performed in a few minutes and the condition of the cervix can be accurately revealed, thanks to which the gynecologist can decide on the next steps.
Basic gynecological examination with ultrasound 33 000 Ft
Complex gynecological examination with ultrasound and cancer screening (ultrasound + cytology) 41 000 Ft
Control test 25 000 Ft
Insert or remove an IUD 30 000 Ft
Medicine prescription without examination 4 000 Ft
TRIMSOMY test 129 000 Ft
Examined chromosomal abnormalities: Down's syndrome, Edwards' syndrome, Patau's syndrome. Determining the gender of the unborn baby. Parental SMA carrier screening + HUF 30,000. Parental cystic fibrosis carrier screening + HUF 45,000. Can be used in case of artificial insemination. The recommended time for blood sampling is 11-19 weeks of pregnancy.
TRIMSOMY XY test 149 000 Ft
Examined chromosomal abnormalities: Down syndrome, Edwards syndrome, Patau syndrome. Possible sex chromosomal abnormalities: Turner, Klinefelter, Jacob's, Triple X syndromes. Determining the gender of the unborn baby. Parental SMA carrier screening + HUF 30,000. Parental cystic fibrosis carrier screening + HUF 45,000. Can be used in case of artificial insemination. The recommended time for blood sampling is 11-19 weeks of pregnancy.
TRIMSOMY komplex test 229 000 Ft
Examined chromosomal abnormalities: Down's syndrome, Edwards' syndrome, Patau's syndrome. Possible sex chromosomal abnormalities: Turner, Klinefelter, Jacob's, Triple X syndromes. More than 100 microdeletions and microduplications. Determining the sex of the unborn baby. Parental SMA carrier screening + HUF 30,000. Parental cystic fibrosis carrier screening + HUF 45,000. Can be used in case of artificial insemination. The recommended time for blood sampling is 11-19 weeks of pregnancy.
TRIMSOMY szuper test 288 000 Ft
Examined chromosomal abnormalities: Down syndrome, Edwards syndrome, Patau syndrome. Possible sex chromosomal abnormalities: Turner, Klinefelter, Jacob's, Triple X syndromes. More than 100 microdeletions and microduplications. Determining the sex of the unborn baby. Parental SMA carrier screening is included in the price. Parental cystic fibrosis carrier screening is included in the price. Can be used in case of artificial insemination. The recommended time for blood sampling is 11-14 weeks of pregnancy.
NIFTY pro 225 000 Ft
Examined chromosomal abnormalities: Down's syndrome, Edwards' syndrome, Patau's syndrome. Possible sex chromosomal abnormalities: Turner, Klinefelter, Jacob's, Triple X syndromes. More than 100 microdeletions and microduplications. Determining the sex of the unborn baby. Parental SMA carrier screening + HUF 30,000. Parental cystic fibrosis carrier screening + HUF 45,000. Can be used in case of artificial insemination. The recommended time for blood sampling is 11-14 weeks of pregnancy.