Dr. Krisztián Dorkó
• hungarian
• english
Consultation hours:
Thursday: 16:00 – 20:00
Professional background
I am Dr. Krisztián Dorkó. I obtained my general medical degree in 2021, cum laude, at the Faculty of Medicine of Semmelweis University. I started my career at the Bajcsy-Zsilinszky Hospital in Budapest, and from 2024 I continued at the urology department of the Uzsoki Utcai Hospital, where I still work.
I believe that in addition to up-to-date professional knowledge, open, empathetic communication is equally important in the successful treatment of diseases. I believe that every patient is unique, so with me, accordingly, the treatment is tailored to the needs of the patient. I guarantee that after the consultation you will get answers to all your questions about your illness.
Research interest:
My research interests are mainly directed towards the therapy of recurrent urinary tract infections and modern treatments of benign prostatic hyperplasia.
Urological specialist examination with ultrasound - male, female 39 000 Ft
Urological consultation and specialist examination - male, female 32 000 Ft
Follow-up consultation (within 1 month) 24 000 Ft
Prostate screening with ultrasound, specialist consultation, laboratory (PSA) 46 000 Ft
Hólyagtükrözés (cystoscopia) 79 000 Ft
A húgyhólyag és húgycső részletes vizsgálata, gyulladások, kövek, daganatok felismerése, minimálisan invazív beavatkozás, helyi érzéstelenítésben végezhető
Körülmetélés (circumcisio) 199 000 Ft
Szűk fitymagyűrű kezelésére, gyulladások megelőzésére, tervezhető, ambuláns beavatkozás
Fityma fék plasztika (frenulotomia) 99 000 Ft
Rövid fityma fék korrekciója, gyors gyógyulási idő, helyi érzéstelenítésben végezhető
Catheter replacement / insertion 20 000 Ft
Medicine prescription without examination 4 000 Ft